by Regin Reyno
Feet First. Klement's Male Chorus |
1. The Holy Spirit tells us so. The Lord is soon to come. We must work while the day lasts; for the night is coming, in which no man can work.
The Lord calls for every talent of means and ability to be put to use.--Ellen G. White, Manuscript page 308
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8
God calls for volunteers to work in His vineyard. In Cambodia we will be doing church services programs, tract and book distribution, home visitations, and orphanage feeding program. Meanwhile we will offer songs of encouragement to patients in Bangkok Adventist Hospital. By doing these small things, the Lord will bless it and it will reap great results.
Khmer boy |
2. To have a closer relationship with God. In the Spirit of Prophecy, it states,” It is in working to spread the good news of salvation that we are brought near to the Saviour”. the Desire of Ages, p. 340.
Once we work for the Lord, our focus will be on diverted from the things of this world to the things above. We will have a much intimate relationship with our God. The Lord is coming very soon as evidenced by the signs around us. Our focus by this time should be on the things above. The things of this world are just but temporary. And by working for the Lord, we will be able to have a constant connection with Him therefore strengthening our faith and relationship with Him. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
We will be able to experience real happiness and the peace that passeth all understanding, which can only be found in the Lord.
Additional quote from the Spirit of Prophecy: “When you succor the poor, sympathize with the afflicted and oppressed, and befriend the orphan, you bring yourselves into a closer relationship to Jesus.--Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 25
hotel pool. Conrad Bangkok |
3. To have a break from work. As the saying goes, “All work no play makes Jack a dull boy”. We need to unwind, relax, de-stress, have a recreation, and be in a different place once in awhile. This will the perfect time for that.
Saigon, Vietnam |
4. It will broaden your horizon. When travelling, many things can be learned that you haven’t learned or cannot learn in school. It widens your spectrum of thinking. It makes you appreciate life more. It makes you understand better the culture of other people.
This trip focuses not just on the sights or touristy places; rather it focuses on culture, adventure, nature, and ministry.
Ta Phrom. Temples of Angkor |
5. Angkor Wat. A UNESCO World Heritage site, it is one of the architectural wonders of the world. Built in 1112 AD when there were no modern tools yet, it is Khmer engineering at its best. At 1.5 km by1.3km, it is the largest religious structure in the world. Every year, many tourists flock in Siem Reap to have a glimpse and experience Angkor Wat. And upon visiting it, many are stuck by its imposing grandeur. One travel writer have said, “The traveler’s glimpse of Angkor Wat, the ultimate of Khmer genius, is simply staggering and is matched only by a few select spots on earth such as Macchu Picchu or the Taj Mahal.”
You will be able to see the shooting location of Tomb Raider I starring Angelina Jolie.
somtam |
6. Thai Food. This is the opportunity to savor foreign dishes at a cheap price. One of the most famous dishes around the world is Thai food. There are lots of Thai restaurants all around the world, and it’s like every country there are Thai restaurants. It’s all because, many people like Thai food, and it was voted top 5 among the best dishes or cuisines in the world. In the Philippines, there are lots of Thai restaurants. Examples are “Thai Me Up” in Cagayan de Oro and “Jatujak” in Mall of Asia. The prices of Thai foods in these Thai restaurants are soooo expensive. So here, you’ll be able to experience Thai food at its best at an affordable price. And not to mention Khmer/Cambodian dishes as well. Its street food-eating time!
Dream World
7. It’s inexpensive. At Php15,000 all-inclusive for 10 days in two countries, that is cheap! My parents and my sister went to Hong Kong last 2006 and spent 3 days there. It was an agency-guided tour. Their expenses all in all were almost Php 18,000 each, including Disneyland. Yes, 18k for 3 days and that was way back 2006. Here, Php15,000 ($340) all-expenses,-including Angkor Wat and Dream World admission fees- for 10 days in 2 countries. That is really inexpensive. Try inquiring at travel agencies how much is their 10-day all-inclusive tour to other countries if you don’t believe me.
Klement junior days
phot credit: Cresy Budayao |
8. To be with your “gentle, mild, merciful” batch. Two years in the clinical division. Tons of requirements, NCP, duties, unit exams, psychiatric nursing, OR/DR cases, on-calls, Pernia, Sapphire hall, Chrysolite hall, Solarium, sleepless nights, research, retreat, COPAR, Biclar, Lucenara, Cacho, Villarosa, Paglinawan, Buslon, Reyno, blockings, IS, CP’s, Danao, singing band, Pendon, Mantos, Maramag, ValSan, Malaybalay, cheap pizza, durian, sweet corn, potlucks, basketball, Paiton, Tulop, gwapo ka, Just Chill, Punay-Derequito, East West, prayer bonds, fasting, Gentle Hands, aso aso! All these bonded us. Isn’t it nice to be with the people who were part of your struggles, joys, and success during your college years?
Baijan, our official videographer and cinematographer will make a documentary out of this trip, using his Canon 550D with 50mm 1.8 and Sigma 50mm 1.4 lenses.
9. To improve your social life. Social aspect of your life is part of overall health. It means if you want to be in your peak health, don’t take your social life for granted.
In this trip, we will sleep in dormitories and guesthouses, maximum of 6 persons per room and a minimum of two persons in one room. There will be at least someone to share your experiences, plans, joys, and discouragements, therefore improving your social life. You will also be given opportunities to speak or participate in church services and interact with the locals. There will also be sharing time, open-forum time, discussions, pool time, chikka time, and bully time.
Zest Air |
10. International Travel at its best. Tricycle, jeep, airplane, taxi, bus, train, tuktuk, remorque-moto, bicycle. All of these will be experienced in this trip. Cambodia and Thailand, top destinations for backpackers in the world. Siem Reap and Bangkok, part of the so called “Banana Pancake Trail”, a well-trodden path of backpackers in Southeast Asia. We will be staying in backpacker guesthouses, therefore meeting new people. 10 days in two countries. Culture, nature, adventure, and ministry. What more can you ask for?
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